
2017 MIT App Inventor Master Training in Guangzhou

2017 MIT App Inventor Master Training was held in Guangzhou from July 7 to July 9. The workshop was sponsored by Google China and hosted by GEIC (Guangzhoug Education Information Center), SCUT (South China University of Technology). The workshop was organized by Liyue, the professor of SCUT. The most exciting thing is that Professor Harold Abelson attended our last day activity! 

Hal visited GNIC and we gave him a mini party to celebrate his birthday. Several group teachers showed their works to Hal.

The main topic of the workshop is App Inventor and Robot. The robots are produced by Gao Weiguang (the IT teacher of Guangzhuo Baiyun Middle School) and his students. The shell of robots are printed by 3D printer.

Here are some fragments of teachers' works:

Here is the user interface of one of the teacher's works.
The splash screen use Canvas component, the robot is an imagesprite component. When you touch the robot, it will open the bluetooth AddressesAndNames list and you may choose the robot's bluetooth name to connect. Once the phone connects the robot successfully, a new screen will show. 
You may click buttons to let the robot twinkle his eyes, dance, sing a happy birtyday song or speak out the temperature, humidity and distance, etc. You can ask some questions to the robot and he can reply to you, too. Cool, isn't it?

Again, 26th July, Happy 70th Birthday to  professor Harold Abelson!