
App Inventor and IoTs

Our students have built several IoTs application into a single app.  They used Arduino UNO, Arduino 101 and Arduino WiFi boards,  and get to understand what is Internet of Thing.  They assembled components on the acrylic plate, make the works look nice. It's not easy, but they have done and have a lot of fun. Great job!

1.BLE Light

App Inventor components: BluetoothBLE, SpeechRecognizer
Hardware: Arduino 101 Board, Relay, Light

2. Bluetooth LED:
App Inventor components: BluetoothClient
Hardware: Arduino UNO Board, Bluetooth Chip, LEDs
Download aia file from MIT App Inventor Gallery

3. BLE HeartRate

App Inventor components: BluetoothBLE
Hardware: Arduino 101 Board, Heart rate sensor
Thank for Jose's Tutorial.

4. Bluetooth Fan

App Inventor components: BluetoothClient
Hardware: Arduino UNO Board, Fan, Bluetooth Chip
Download aia file from MIT App Inventor Gallery

5. Gas detector:

App Inventor components: Web
Hardware: Arduino UNO WiFi Board, Gas Sensor

 6. LEGO

App Inventor components: BluetoothClient, EV3Motor, EV3UltrasonicSensor, SpeechRecognizer
Hardware: LEGO Robot, Ultrasonic Sensor
Download AIA File from MIT App Inventor Gallery